Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Jonathan as Miles Richardson (Holby City)

More about Jonathan's character:
When an amateur racing driver arrives at the hospital, it turns out that he is an ex-colleague and mentor of Isaac. Dom recognises his name - Myles Richardson, known for his research on a revolutionary new spleen procedure. Isaac used to be his star pupil, but seems unnerved by his presence.
Isaac tells Dominic that Myles was very demanding and that he spent every operation in a state of nervous tension. Myles challenges Isaac to operate on him, using the spleen procedure they pioneered. Dom notes the tension between the men and asks if Isaac and Myles were lovers. Isaac tells Dom that Myles is married and has lied about the spleen research, as Isaac generated the idea. Later, Dom asks to assist in Myles' operation, but when Myles realises Dom will be operating on him, he subtly lets him know that he and Isaac were an item. How will Dom react?

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