Friday, May 29, 2020

The Waringham Chronicles, Volume 3: Revolutions (An Audible Original Drama) - by Rebecca Gablé has been released yesterday. The duration of this audio drama is 15 hours 32 minutes. 

According to Jonathan is in a cast, but I have no information who his character is.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Jonathan on BBC One

In my previous post I wrote that The Mask of the demon will be on 23rd of May on Drama channel.
In addition to this, The Mask of the Demon will be broadcasted on BBC ONE on 26 May at 14.15 (UK time).

Hope you all are doing well. After two months of working from home I'm going back to "normal" work (part-time). It feels strange.... 

Have a good Sunday and great week ahead!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Albert Schweitzer online

I've found today the full movie "Albert Schweitzer" from 2009 on youtube. It's a nice quality, and it's in English.